முஸ்லிம் நண்பர் குலசை அவர்கள் யூதர்களும் கிறித்தவர்களும் பெண்களை மிகவும் கேவலப் படுத்துவதாகவும் இஸ்லாம் அவர்களுக்கு மிக மரியாதை தருவதாகவும் எழுதியிருந்தார். நான் ஒரு பெண்ணியவாதி ஆயிற்றே அட நம்மாட்களை இந்த அளவிற்கு மதிக்கிறாங்களா அவங்க... என நினைச்சி கொஞ்சம் கூகுள் பண்ணினேன்.
என் காமாலை கண்ணுக்கு இதுதானா மாட்டணும் . நான் படித்ததை அப்படியே த்ருகிறேன். இதைத் தமிழ் படுத்தினால் படு கேவலமாக இருக்கும்.
இதில் யூதர்களைப் பார்த்து பார்பணர்கள் பெண்களை கேவலப் ப்டுத்துகிறார்கள் என நக்கல் வேறு
"A woman is like a private part. When she goes out the devil casts a glance at her"
Al-Hadis, trans. Al-Haj Maulana Fazlul Karim, vol. 2, p. 692, from Mishkat al-Masabih, by Waliuddin Abu Abdullah Mahmud Tabrizi
This women thinks she is 100% vagina.What is the subliminal message this woman is sending? The subliminal message is that every square inch of my body is private part, every square inch of it can make you horny. Therefore my entire body is an 'awrat, (lit. pudendum, genital) and I am a sex object from head to toe. People cover their private parts. This woman thinks her entire body is private part. Does this in anyway arouse respect? Only one who thinks with her genital may think so.

These women think they are 96% vagina 4% people.
These women have determined that all their bodies, except their faces, are extensions of their genitals, including their heads. Thinking with their genitals they can't distinguish the difference between their hair and their pubic hair. To them both are embarrassing and should be covered. Thinking with their genitals these ambulant vaginas are fighting for the right to be humiliated, beaten and treated as sex objects. Spread this message and reproduce it in your site. Let all Muslim women know the world sees them exactly the way they see themselves and Muhammad described them - as 'awrat, pudenda, private part anddeficient in intelligence. They think of themselves as nothing but a big vagina. As a matter of fact the word "woman" in Urdu is 'awrat. In Iran she is called zaifeh (weak). She is regarded weak both mentally and physically. Muslim women strive to be treated as 'awrat, a walking talking vagina. Why should we think of them differently?
Combat stupidity with humiliation.

என் காமாலை கண்ணுக்கு இதுதானா மாட்டணும் . நான் படித்ததை அப்படியே த்ருகிறேன். இதைத் தமிழ் படுத்தினால் படு கேவலமாக இருக்கும்.
இதில் யூதர்களைப் பார்த்து பார்பணர்கள் பெண்களை கேவலப் ப்டுத்துகிறார்கள் என நக்கல் வேறு
Hijab and women in Islam
"A woman is like a private part. When she goes out the devil casts a glance at her"
Al-Hadis, trans. Al-Haj Maulana Fazlul Karim, vol. 2, p. 692, from Mishkat al-Masabih, by Waliuddin Abu Abdullah Mahmud Tabrizi

This women thinks she is 100% vagina.

These women think they are 96% vagina 4% people.
These women have determined that all their bodies, except their faces, are extensions of their genitals, including their heads. Thinking with their genitals they can't distinguish the difference between their hair and their pubic hair. To them both are embarrassing and should be covered. Thinking with their genitals these ambulant vaginas are fighting for the right to be humiliated, beaten and treated as sex objects. Spread this message and reproduce it in your site. Let all Muslim women know the world sees them exactly the way they see themselves and Muhammad described them - as 'awrat, pudenda, private part anddeficient in intelligence. They think of themselves as nothing but a big vagina. As a matter of fact the word "woman" in Urdu is 'awrat. In Iran she is called zaifeh (weak). She is regarded weak both mentally and physically. Muslim women strive to be treated as 'awrat, a walking talking vagina. Why should we think of them differently?
Combat stupidity with humiliation.

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